Attorney Opinion Letter from Michael Komorn, on the importance of renewing and maintaining their Michigan Medical Marihuana Cards (found below)
Michael Komorn is the president of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association In his role as president, Komorn has worked to organize patient/caregiver rally events, taken on several pro bono cases and fought to maintain the innocence of his clients using Michigan’s Medical Marihuana Act.
For the past five years, Komorn Law has focused exclusively on Michigan’s medical marijuana law, and he is a frequent media commentator on this emerging area of the law. A member of the American Bar Association (ABA), National Assocation of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NADCL), and Recorders Court Bar Association, he also provides mentoring for juvenile clients who have had involvement with the criminal justice system.
Komorn is recognized as a leading expert on the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act. His perspectives continue to be featured throughout the news, including: The Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, WWJ Newsradio 950, WJR-AM, The Oakland Press, WJRT-TV, WDET-FM, WMYD-TV 20 and Michigan Lawyer’s Weekly.